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Views UI Bootstrap Components

This page demonstrates all of the Bootstrap components that we’ve extended for the the Views UI library. The Bootstrap library itself is unchanged, so Bootstrap elements not found on this page should work — they won’t look great, but will work for quick fixes and protoyping, after which we can bring them visually into line with the rest of the Views UI library.

Deviations from Bootstrap

When there are deviations from Bootstrap we list them here and link to documentation in the relevant section below. Here’s the current list of deviations:

Basic Example [bootstrap docs]

Example block-level help text here.

Inline Form [bootstrap docs]


Horizontal Form [bootstrap docs]

Inputs [bootstrap docs]

Textarea [bootstrap docs]

Checkboxes and Radios [bootstrap docs]

Checkbox and radio inputs have to be marked up slightly differently from the Bootstrap docs so that we can style them — the input isn’t wrapped by the label, the input appears directly before the label, and the label’s for attribute is correctly set to the ID of the input:

<div class="checkbox">
    <input type="checkbox" id="checkbox">
    <label for="checkbox">Remember me</label>

<div class="radio">
    <input type="radio" name="optionsRadios" id="optionsRadios1" value="option1">
    <label for="optionsRadios1">Option one is this</label>

Selects [bootstrap docs]

This is some placeholder block-level help text for the above input. It's a bit lighter and easily wraps to a new line.

Static Control [bootstrap docs]

Disabled Controls [bootstrap docs]

Disabled Fieldsets [bootstrap docs]

Validation States [bootstrap docs]

A block of help text that breaks onto a new line and may extend beyond one line.

Input Groups [bootstrap docs]

$ .00
$ 0.00

Buttons [bootstrap docs]

Button Variations [bootstrap docs]

Block Level Buttons

Disabled Buttons

Button Groups [bootstrap docs]

Dropdown [bootstrap docs]


Alerts [bootstrap docs]

Alert States [bootstrap docs]

Dismissable Alert [bootstrap docs]

Panels [bootstrap docs]

Basic Panel [bootstrap docs]

Basic panel example

Panel With Heading [bootstrap docs]

Panel heading without title
Basic panel example

Panel title

Basic panel example

Contextual Alternatives [bootstrap docs]

Panel title

Panel content

Panel title

Panel content

Panel title

Panel content

Panel title

Panel content

Panel title

Panel content

Panel With Table [bootstrap docs]

Panel heading

Some default panel content here. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit.

First Name Last Name Column Title Column Title Column Title Column Title
Marisa Smith Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry
Marisa Smith Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry
Marisa Smith Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry
Marisa Smith Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry
Marisa Smith Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry
Marisa Smith Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry
Marisa Smith Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry
Marisa Smith Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry
Marisa Smith Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry

Wells [bootstrap docs]


Some content in a well.

Modals [bootstrap docs]

Basic Modal [bootstrap docs]

Modal Size Variations [bootstrap docs]

Modal Theme Variations

Tables [bootstrap docs]

Basic Table

Note: A table can be enhance with the Datatables component but adding the class datatable to the table.

First Name Last Name Column Title Column Title Column Title Column Title
Marisa Smith Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry
Marisa Smith Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry
Marisa Smith Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry
Marisa Smith Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry
Marisa Smith Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry
Marisa Smith Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry
Marisa Smith Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry
Marisa Smith Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry
Marisa Smith Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry Field Entry

When extending tables with the DataTables library, use these components.

Tab Bar [bootstrap docs]

Basic Tab Bar